







WOW! Children’s Museum to reopen Aug. 8

CO Labor Dept.: 8,008 additional Coloradans file for unemployment

CDPHE begins review of Larimer County’s COVID variance

苹果下架VPN是法治的胜利_荔枝网新闻:2021-8-4 · 日前,苹果公司CEO蒂姆库克回应苹果应用商店中国区将VPN下架一事说,我们在遵守当地法律的情况下在当地开展生意。由此可见,在中国互联网法治化和经济快速发展的语境下,有违相关规定的苹果公司才下架中国区应用商店里的VPN。


BizWest Podcast, July 31, 2020: Colorado’s possible housing crisis & Boulder and Xcel’s ceasefire

Weld County loses lawsuit challenging 2019 air pollution regs

深信服:起于安全 而不止安全的“安全+云”领军企业_中证网:2021-6-11 · VPN 连续8年成为中国市场占有率第一,上网行为管理连续9年成为市场第一,应用交付连续3年市场第一。同时,6款产品进入Gartner 国际魔力象限:SSL VPN ...


Coors Brewery in Golden catches fire

Trio Health hires new CTO

SomaLogic expands collaboration deal with Amgen



Oskar Blues, French’s collaborate on new mustard-flavored beer


內外貫通 Windows 7下架設VPN雙向通道 - 國際在線:上頁提到如何在Windows 7上建立VPN連接。那麼,如果要在Windows 7下構建VPN服務器又該怎麼做呢?對此,Windows 7同樣提供了嚮導。現在,編者就帶您走一趟架設VPN服務器的具體步驟吧。 1、打開“開始”“控制面板”,單擊“網絡和共享中心”。


Master entrepreneurs share their secrets at BizWest seminar


D.R. Horton to join two local home builders at Johnstown’s The Ridge


Loveland’s planning group recommends multiple development rule changes



Louisville puts shopping bag tax to ballot

Tenants in Denver-owned buildings get rent deferrals

炫爆了!12条你从未注意到的Win10小细节_数码_福建网络 ...:2021-9-18 · Win10已经发布很长一段时间,很多小伙伴也已经在开心地使用了。和前代系统相比,Win10除了一些大的更新外,细节上也做出了不少优化。很多地方虽然变化很小,但对于提升用户的整体操作体验却有着极大帮助。


Chamber supports end of Boulder-Xcel muni fight

暗网强大到设计者都无法销毁 中国也可能有风险 - huanqiu.com:2021-8-23 · 钱童心 中国访问学者章莹颖6月9日在伊利诺伊大学香槟分校校园失踪。迄今,美国警方仍未找到章莹颖的任何痕迹。最新进展是:章莹颖家人数天前 ...

Lightning Systems creates new division to handle charging stations

CU, CSU, UNC athletics ran deficits for years

网络安全法试题 - nmgnews.com.cn:2021-6-7 · 16. 以下关于 VPN 的说法中的哪一项是正确的?A、VPN 是虚拟专用网的简称,它只能对 ISP 实施维护 B、VPN 是只能在第二层数据链路层上实现加密 C、IPSEC 也是 VPN 的一种 D、VPN 使用通道技术加密,但没有身份验证功能 二、填空题(10 分,每空 1 1.

Thought Leaders: Hospice Care: What It Is and When It’s Time

工信部再次回应中国VPN管理:依法依规企业和个人不受 ...:2021-7-25 · 张峰表示,不单单是经营互联网的专线,包括VPN,就是从事基础电信业务,也包括增值电信业务,都需获得政府的有关批复,从中华人民共和国电信 ...

Thought Leaders: 4 Ways Your Payroll Provider Can Help During the Covid-19 Pandemic

FORT COLLINS — Larry Kendall has blended people-power with his own compassion to carve out a career worthy of BizWest’s 2020 Bravo! Entrepreneur Regional Spirit award. During a career that spans five decades, Kendall has helped thousands of people find the home of their dreams, and he has helped thousands of agents hone their skills to aid in those transactions. Along the way, he has volunteered time and effort to help the Northern Colorado community. Kendall fell in love with Fort Collins when on a road trip in the 1970s, and he decided to put down roots. Finding himself without a job, he turned to selling real estate, but he was turned off by the hard-sell approach driven by quotas that was taught at real estate seminars of the day. He thought there had to be a better approach and decided to create one that suited his people-oriented personality. Kendall helped co-found The Group Inc. in 1976 with 11 other Realtors. The employee-owned real estate sales group was formed long before employee-owned businesses were fashionable. It quickly became a laboratory for experimenting with group dynamics, teams, self-directed work groups, employee empowerment and leadership — all the while working to find the best way to buy-and-sell real estate. Susie Ewing, one of those first partners, recalls that it was Kendall’s idea to open a real estate company that was employee-owned. “All partners bought stock in the company and benefited from the profits,” Ewing said. “In 1976, that was unheard of, and 44 years later the company that started with 12 partners now has 212 partners and six offices in Northern Colorado. He was then and still is a visionary.” Ewing said that Kendall is driven by bringing out the best in people. “From the beginning, he was always a good leader, mentor, motivator and friend. He has a very unique way of  recognizing the talents that people have long before they do and then helping them build on those talents.  He is a true Go Giver — always willing to share what he has learned in order for people to be better.” In 1994, Kendall was instrumental in co-creating the Ninja Selling system. The sales-training system is based on building relationships, listening to customers and helping get them to where they want to be. In addition to making a transaction smooth for buyer and seller, the goals of the system include increasing an agent’s income per hour, customer satisfaction and improving the quality of an agent’s life. The system first was used by the members of The Group but has since been taught internationally. Propelled by Kendall’s book “Ninja Selling,” the system has been taught in the United States, Canada, New Zealand and Spain with approximately 100,000 graduates. The book offers insights and case studies of Kendall’s “soft” approach to sales and business development that he says never puts sellers in the position of being rejected or causes customers to feel pressure. These “soft” skills such as empathy, communication and collaboration, […]


Thought Leaders: Columbine Health Systems Care Managers

FORT COLLINS — Larry Kendall has blended people-power with his own compassion to carve out a career worthy of BizWest’s 2020 Bravo! Entrepreneur Regional Spirit award. During a career that spans five decades, Kendall has helped thousands of people find the home of their dreams, and he has helped thousands of agents hone their skills to aid in those transactions. Along the way, he has volunteered time and effort to help the Northern Colorado community. Kendall fell in love with Fort Collins when on a road trip in the 1970s, and he decided to put down roots. Finding himself without a job, he turned to selling real estate, but he was turned off by the hard-sell approach driven by quotas that was taught at real estate seminars of the day. He thought there had to be a better approach and decided to create one that suited his people-oriented personality. Kendall helped co-found The Group Inc. in 1976 with 11 other Realtors. The employee-owned real estate sales group was formed long before employee-owned businesses were fashionable. It quickly became a laboratory for experimenting with group dynamics, teams, self-directed work groups, employee empowerment and leadership — all the while working to find the best way to buy-and-sell real estate. Susie Ewing, one of those first partners, recalls that it was Kendall’s idea to open a real estate company that was employee-owned. “All partners bought stock in the company and benefited from the profits,” Ewing said. “In 1976, that was unheard of, and 44 years later the company that started with 12 partners now has 212 partners and six offices in Northern Colorado. He was then and still is a visionary.” Ewing said that Kendall is driven by bringing out the best in people. “From the beginning, he was always a good leader, mentor, motivator and friend. He has a very unique way of  recognizing the talents that people have long before they do and then helping them build on those talents.  He is a true Go Giver — always willing to share what he has learned in order for people to be better.” In 1994, Kendall was instrumental in co-creating the Ninja Selling system. The sales-training system is based on building relationships, listening to customers and helping get them to where they want to be. In addition to making a transaction smooth for buyer and seller, the goals of the system include increasing an agent’s income per hour, customer satisfaction and improving the quality of an agent’s life. The system first was used by the members of The Group but has since been taught internationally. Propelled by Kendall’s book “Ninja Selling,” the system has been taught in the United States, Canada, New Zealand and Spain with approximately 100,000 graduates. The book offers insights and case studies of Kendall’s “soft” approach to sales and business development that he says never puts sellers in the position of being rejected or causes customers to feel pressure. These “soft” skills such as empathy, communication and collaboration, […]

Thought Leaders: 4 Tech-Related Trends Helping Businesses Tackle the COVID Crisis

FORT COLLINS — Larry Kendall has blended people-power with his own compassion to carve out a career worthy of BizWest’s 2020 Bravo! Entrepreneur Regional Spirit award. During a career that spans five decades, Kendall has helped thousands of people find the home of their dreams, and he has helped thousands of agents hone their skills to aid in those transactions. Along the way, he has volunteered time and effort to help the Northern Colorado community. Kendall fell in love with Fort Collins when on a road trip in the 1970s, and he decided to put down roots. Finding himself without a job, he turned to selling real estate, but he was turned off by the hard-sell approach driven by quotas that was taught at real estate seminars of the day. He thought there had to be a better approach and decided to create one that suited his people-oriented personality. Kendall helped co-found The Group Inc. in 1976 with 11 other Realtors. The employee-owned real estate sales group was formed long before employee-owned businesses were fashionable. It quickly became a laboratory for experimenting with group dynamics, teams, self-directed work groups, employee empowerment and leadership — all the while working to find the best way to buy-and-sell real estate. Susie Ewing, one of those first partners, recalls that it was Kendall’s idea to open a real estate company that was employee-owned. “All partners bought stock in the company and benefited from the profits,” Ewing said. “In 1976, that was unheard of, and 44 years later the company that started with 12 partners now has 212 partners and six offices in Northern Colorado. He was then and still is a visionary.” Ewing said that Kendall is driven by bringing out the best in people. “From the beginning, he was always a good leader, mentor, motivator and friend. He has a very unique way of  recognizing the talents that people have long before they do and then helping them build on those talents.  He is a true Go Giver — always willing to share what he has learned in order for people to be better.” In 1994, Kendall was instrumental in co-creating the Ninja Selling system. The sales-training system is based on building relationships, listening to customers and helping get them to where they want to be. In addition to making a transaction smooth for buyer and seller, the goals of the system include increasing an agent’s income per hour, customer satisfaction and improving the quality of an agent’s life. The system first was used by the members of The Group but has since been taught internationally. Propelled by Kendall’s book “Ninja Selling,” the system has been taught in the United States, Canada, New Zealand and Spain with approximately 100,000 graduates. The book offers insights and case studies of Kendall’s “soft” approach to sales and business development that he says never puts sellers in the position of being rejected or causes customers to feel pressure. These “soft” skills such as empathy, communication and collaboration, […]


內外貫通 Windows 7下架設VPN雙向通道 - 國際在線:對於Windows 7用戶來說,VPN的使用可能就比較陌生了。那麼,下面編者將指出在Windows 7下,如何建立一個VPN連接,又如何自己建立一個VPN服務器呢。本篇文章將為您分別闡述。 對於希望建立一個VPN連接的用戶,可以通過以下步驟來實現。

FORT COLLINS — Larry Kendall has blended people-power with his own compassion to carve out a career worthy of BizWest’s 2020 Bravo! Entrepreneur Regional Spirit award. During a career that spans five decades, Kendall has helped thousands of people find the home of their dreams, and he has helped thousands of agents hone their skills to aid in those transactions. Along the way, he has volunteered time and effort to help the Northern Colorado community. Kendall fell in love with Fort Collins when on a road trip in the 1970s, and he decided to put down roots. Finding himself without a job, he turned to selling real estate, but he was turned off by the hard-sell approach driven by quotas that was taught at real estate seminars of the day. He thought there had to be a better approach and decided to create one that suited his people-oriented personality. Kendall helped co-found The Group Inc. in 1976 with 11 other Realtors. The employee-owned real estate sales group was formed long before employee-owned businesses were fashionable. It quickly became a laboratory for experimenting with group dynamics, teams, self-directed work groups, employee empowerment and leadership — all the while working to find the best way to buy-and-sell real estate. Susie Ewing, one of those first partners, recalls that it was Kendall’s idea to open a real estate company that was employee-owned. “All partners bought stock in the company and benefited from the profits,” Ewing said. “In 1976, that was unheard of, and 44 years later the company that started with 12 partners now has 212 partners and six offices in Northern Colorado. He was then and still is a visionary.” Ewing said that Kendall is driven by bringing out the best in people. “From the beginning, he was always a good leader, mentor, motivator and friend. He has a very unique way of  recognizing the talents that people have long before they do and then helping them build on those talents.  He is a true Go Giver — always willing to share what he has learned in order for people to be better.” In 1994, Kendall was instrumental in co-creating the Ninja Selling system. The sales-training system is based on building relationships, listening to customers and helping get them to where they want to be. In addition to making a transaction smooth for buyer and seller, the goals of the system include increasing an agent’s income per hour, customer satisfaction and improving the quality of an agent’s life. The system first was used by the members of The Group but has since been taught internationally. Propelled by Kendall’s book “Ninja Selling,” the system has been taught in the United States, Canada, New Zealand and Spain with approximately 100,000 graduates. The book offers insights and case studies of Kendall’s “soft” approach to sales and business development that he says never puts sellers in the position of being rejected or causes customers to feel pressure. These “soft” skills such as empathy, communication and collaboration, […]

Thought Leaders: Cleanliness Perception is New Reality

FORT COLLINS — Larry Kendall has blended people-power with his own compassion to carve out a career worthy of BizWest’s 2020 Bravo! Entrepreneur Regional Spirit award. During a career that spans five decades, Kendall has helped thousands of people find the home of their dreams, and he has helped thousands of agents hone their skills to aid in those transactions. Along the way, he has volunteered time and effort to help the Northern Colorado community. Kendall fell in love with Fort Collins when on a road trip in the 1970s, and he decided to put down roots. Finding himself without a job, he turned to selling real estate, but he was turned off by the hard-sell approach driven by quotas that was taught at real estate seminars of the day. He thought there had to be a better approach and decided to create one that suited his people-oriented personality. Kendall helped co-found The Group Inc. in 1976 with 11 other Realtors. The employee-owned real estate sales group was formed long before employee-owned businesses were fashionable. It quickly became a laboratory for experimenting with group dynamics, teams, self-directed work groups, employee empowerment and leadership — all the while working to find the best way to buy-and-sell real estate. Susie Ewing, one of those first partners, recalls that it was Kendall’s idea to open a real estate company that was employee-owned. “All partners bought stock in the company and benefited from the profits,” Ewing said. “In 1976, that was unheard of, and 44 years later the company that started with 12 partners now has 212 partners and six offices in Northern Colorado. He was then and still is a visionary.” Ewing said that Kendall is driven by bringing out the best in people. “From the beginning, he was always a good leader, mentor, motivator and friend. He has a very unique way of  recognizing the talents that people have long before they do and then helping them build on those talents.  He is a true Go Giver — always willing to share what he has learned in order for people to be better.” In 1994, Kendall was instrumental in co-creating the Ninja Selling system. The sales-training system is based on building relationships, listening to customers and helping get them to where they want to be. In addition to making a transaction smooth for buyer and seller, the goals of the system include increasing an agent’s income per hour, customer satisfaction and improving the quality of an agent’s life. The system first was used by the members of The Group but has since been taught internationally. Propelled by Kendall’s book “Ninja Selling,” the system has been taught in the United States, Canada, New Zealand and Spain with approximately 100,000 graduates. The book offers insights and case studies of Kendall’s “soft” approach to sales and business development that he says never puts sellers in the position of being rejected or causes customers to feel pressure. These “soft” skills such as empathy, communication and collaboration, […]



Greeley Police say scammers targeting local unemployment claimants

在家里如何免费使用中国知网? - Youth.cn:2021-3-20 · 青年之声网友_68615 一、校园网登录知网可免费下载先说知网吧。如果你还在学校里,可以办校园网,然后登录知网,下载论文是免费的。因为登陆知网显示的是学校的IP,而每年学校都会给知网一些论文期刊交钱买版权,交的学费里应该含有这个版权费。

Frontier Airlines cancels IPO


Music equipment maker Ultimate Support Systems sues manufacturer


DMC adds biopharma exec to board

免费WiFi陷阱多 用VPN工具来破_厦门晚报电子报[厦门晚报 ...:2021-7-16 · 不过,在使用VPN时,用户的上网体验会有所下降,主要是数据传输会变慢。 除了在网上购买VPN工具或利用带有VPN的浏览器,还有一些工具可以借用。首先是VPV For iPhone,类似的App还有很多。使用它需要付费,每月约20元,年费则接近200元。
国外最出名的免费电子书下载网站,你知道你几个?-国际在线 ...:2021-5-10 · 国外特别注重知识产权,并且他们的纸很贵,结果就造成了他们的印刷物非常贵,价格大约是中国书籍的五倍左右,动辄就上百美元,因此懂得下载一些网上的免费图书资料十分的重要,下面就由小编为大家介绍一些国外的免费电子书下载网站。

Ex-employee sues Longmont hemp firm in overtime dispute


Ent Credit Union buys Windsor property for new location


Alliant National Title CEO claims private equity firm tried to force him out of company

只剩下门缝的VPN何去何从 - 手机新蓝网:2021-2-7 · 依附VPN App获得流量的游戏应用、广告等也被泼冷水。VPN App乱象丛生 “翻墙”属于违法行为,所谓的翻墙软件并没有获得电信主管部门批准。国内“翻墙”用户众多,根据市场研究机构Global WebIndex的调查研究估测,中国的VPN用户可能多达9000万。
Google Play App下载神器!ApkLeecher:2021-5-14 · 简单来说,ApkLeecher可以把Google Play的下载地址,重新生成App下载链接,方便用户进行下载,并轻松提取App。使用过程就比较小白了,复制App的Google ...


天津市网信办关于思科产品存在网络安全高危漏洞的 ...-央广网:2021-2-5 · 天津市网信办关于思科产品存在网络安全高危漏洞的风险提示 市网信办关于思科产品存在网络安全高危漏洞的风险提示,受影响的系统可能允许未经身份验证的远程攻击者执行任意代码并获得对系统的完全控制权,或导致受影响设备拒绝服务。

Odyssey Energy Solutions wins Keeling finance prize

工信部再次回应中国VPN管理:依法依规企业和个人不 ...-厦门网:2021-7-26 · 在国务院新闻办今日(7月25日)举行的发布会上,工业和信息化部新闻发言人、总工程师张峰以及信息通信发展司司长闻库在回应VPN管理相关问题时 ...

Re/Max Alliance acquires Re/Max Eagle Rock



Boulder to hold public hearing on Liquor Mart redevelopment

To incentivize or not to incentivize? Broomfield ponders its economic development strategy 

Funding Friday: Arca biopharma’s $54M stock sale, parcel delivery service Veho raises $4M

CDLE: First-time unemployment claims drop to 8,486 after last week’s spike

技术达人评360安全路由器2 最接地气的千兆无线路由 ...:2021-8-10 · 本期企鹅评测团评测产品— — 360安全路由2代,作者Scavin是那种隐藏在普通人面皮下的技术达人,新款360安全路由2只有199元,在他眼里显然是一款非常接地气的千兆路由产品。朋友专享网络设置就是访客网络,这里面有一个有趣的功能,叫做 ...



Masks with Mission seeks to solve two problems


Techstars launches $100M fund for 2021 accelerator



Social distancing may have propelled live-stream platform GetVokl’s growth

Real Estate & Construction

Land trust to create 13 permanently affordable homes in Gunbarrel

Loveland Housing Authority poses questions about future affordable housing

Island Grove apartments achieve HUD energy saving goal


Chase opens new Broomfield branch

Old Town Fort Collins apartment project stalls, faces foreclosure, liens



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扎克伯格在天安门跑步晒照 壕就不用翻墙? - huanqiu.com:2021-3-21 · 这让很多人都蒙了:小扎同学,你用哪家的VPN翻墙出去的?(大家懂的) 实际上,小扎同学是拿自己的漫游手机上网,直接从海外接入到互联网的!那为啥你的手机就没有Facebook,只有404?今天,来给大家普及下运营商国际漫游的基本原理。

Christopher Wood — 

Dierschow: People, companies rise to societal challenges

vpn下 — 

Knoll: COVID makes case for adaptive organizations


Griggs: Triggers to stereotypes: How to manage your message

Rick Griggs — 


Carrie Pinsky — 

Editorial: Business, individuals must remain vigilant, sensible as economy reopens

BizWest Staff — 

Hartung – Life@Work: The questions we ask ourselves


Kalinski: Race and real estate: Past, present, and future

Jay Kalinski — 

Publisher’s Notebook: What’s next for retail apocalypse?

Christopher Wood — 

Editorial: Congress should extend Paycheck Protection Program to chambers, visitors bureaus

BizWest Staff — 


Jay Kalinski — 
